Activity Report of Commission G
November 1,2002/11/1
K.-I.Oyama and T.Maruyama
Sounding rocket experiment
SEEK-2 (Sporadic-E Experiment over Kyushu 2)
is a project to observe sporadic-E layers and E-region ionospheric
irregularities with two sounding rockets and many ground-based instruments in
based observations
The MU radar continues ionospheric IS observations according to the international observation schedule of Incoherent Scatter Coordinate Observation Day. We study behavior of mid-latitude ionosphere based on the MU radar data. Lower Thermosphere Profiler Radar (LTPR) is continuously operated in Shigaraki MU Observatory. In addition to the E-region irregularity echoes, LTPR now simultaneously observes meteor echoes to measure neutral winds in 80-100km altitudes. Results from these observations are valuable to reveal complicated dynamics of the ionosphere-therosphere coupling.
The Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory,
Rapid ionosonde observations were made each minute during the Perseid meteor shower event from August 10 to 15 at four stations, Wakkanai,Kokubunji/Tokyo, Yamagawa, and Ogimi/Okinawa. Also, in accord with the SEEK-2 rocket and radar campaign for sporadic E
study, ionograms were obtained each minute at Yamagawa from July 26 toAugust 31.
GPS data which have been acquired by Geophysial Survey Institute of Japan
are being analysed at
3.Workshop and Symposium
3.1 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly was held 11-20 October 2002 in Houston Texas.
3.2 German National URSI meeting,Sep30-Oct2,2003 at Kleinheubach Tagung Germany.
Special one day session is planned in honor of Professor Karl Rawer's 90th Birthday.
Title is " Three decades of International Reference Ionosphere"
3.3 IRI Workshop 2003
The IRI WG accepted the invitation by A.Poole and L.-A.McKinnel and will hold its 2003 workshop at the Rhodes University in Grahamstown,South Africa, in the week of October 6-10,2003.
Publications and Symposium presentations
4.1 IRI News September Issue was distributed to the IRI scientists in the world. Maqnuscripts for the December issue is now being collected.
1. Maeda.S..Nozawa, M. Sugino, H. Fujiwara, M. Suzuki, Ion and neutral temperature distributions in the dayside E-region observed by the EISCAT Tromsoe and Svalbard radars,Annales Geophysicae,.20, 1415, 2002.
2. Oyama,k.-I.,P.Marinov,and I.Kutiev,Model of electron temperature variations at 600km in low latitude based on Hinotori data,COSPAR ,Houston,Oct,2002
3.Kutiev,I.,K.-I.Oyama,and T.Abe,Plasmasphere electron temperature model based on Akebono data,COSPAR,Houston,Oct.2002.
4.Pavlov,A.V.,T.Abe,and K.-I.Oyama,Anomalous electron thermal conductivity of the plasmasphere and topside ionosphere obtained from model/data comparison,COSPAR ,Houston,2002
5 Navatov,A.S.,K.-I.Oyama,N.A.Savich,and K.Noguchi,Application of SELENE radio communication system to occultation measurement,COSPAR Houston,2002
6. Rawer K.,D.Bilitza,B.Reinish,L.Triskova,and K.-I.Oyama,The URSI/COSPAR standard for the ionosphere:International Reference Ionosphere,COSPAR,Houston,2002.