Report on the Activity of Commission
(8 March 2007)
1. Research activity
observation campaign in December 2006
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere
(RISH) and Department of Geophysics, both Kyoto
University, Solar-Terrestrial
Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, and Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University
joined the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC international observation campaign conducted on
December 21, and 22, 2006. The purpose of this campaign was to validate ionospheric data from satellites with other observations.
FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC is the constellation of six micro-satellites launched in
April 2006. For the ionosphere, the satellites measure plasma density profile
from GPS occultation experiment, and operate TIP (Tiny Ionospheric
Photometer) and TBB (Tri-Band Beacon). We conducted following ground-based
experiment for the campaign; IS and FAI observations with the MU radar, GPS-TEC
measurement from the GEONET GPS receivers, airglow imaging from Rikubetsu, Shigaraki, Sata and Yonaguni. Collaborating
with National Space Organization (NSPO) in Taiwan, we operated ISUAL on
FORMOSAT-2 satellite in the special observation mode to measure 630 nm airglow
layers in the F-region. Results from the campaign will be discussed in the next
FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC workshop planned in Taiwan in May 2007.
1.2 Rocket experiment to
investigate the electron-temperature enhancement at Sq focus
ISAS/JAXA successfully launched a sounding rocket S-310-37
on January 16, 2007
from Uchinoura Space Center (USC). The main purpose
of this experiment was to reveal the electron-temperature enhancement
near the Sq focus. By monitoring the location of the Sq current system
by means of a ground-based network of magnetometers, the rocket was launched
after the Sq focus was confirmed to exist near the trajectory. All instruments
on the rocket worked fine, and successfully measured the electron density and
temperature, electron energy distribution function, electric filed, and
magnetic field. Quick-look of the data shows a clear high-temperature region
near 100 km altitude.
1.3 3-D tomography of
ionosphere over Japan
based on GPS-TEC data
Tomography of ionospheric plasma
density has been developed by Geophysics Institute, Kyoto University
based on the GPS-TEC (Total Electron Content) data from the GEONET. The
analysis is stable, and it is now possible to calculate 3D structures of the
medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances
(MS-TID) over Japan.
An example of the analysis on July
27, 2004 is shown below. The left panel shows horizontal
distribution of GPS-TEC drawn with the assumption of flat ionosphere at 300 km
altitude. The right panel shows vertical distribution of the plasma along the
red line in the left panel estimated by the tomography analysis. The ionosphere
has clear height variation signifying the MS-TID.
1.4 Initial results of the
Southeast Asian ionosonde network (SEALION)
Data from multi-point observation of the ionosphere at the
equatorial and low-latitude stations (SEALION) revealed meridional
structure of so-called F3 layer. Roles of the thermospheric
wind and the zonal electric field on the formation of the F3 layer were
examined through model calculations. Also SEALION was shown to have a great
capability of studying ionosphere- thermosphere coupling process. Ionospheric height variations at the magnetic conjugate
locations were used for inferring thermospheric
neutral wind characteristics. The results exhibit a 6-hr periodic reversal of
the transequatorial wind during nighttime, which
might be related with the quarter-diurnal tide or the midnight temperature/pressure bulge. The
asymmetry of the evening ionospheric heights at
conjugate locations, and thus the strength of a transequatorial
wind, was found to anticorrelate with onsets of
equatorial spread F on an event-to-event basis, which confirms the transequatorial wind suppression mechanism for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability involving with the whole
magnetic flux tube.
2. Past meetings
National meetings
12/8 4th Space Environment
Information Users Forum (NICT., Koganei,
12/14,15 3rd
Space Environment Symposium (Tsukuba Space Center,
JAXA, Ibaraki).
12/21,22 Space
Science Symposium (ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa).
12/22 Antarctica
Syowa Base Large Atmospheric Radar Project (PANSY)Workshop
(NIPR, Itabashi, Tokyo).
12/25,26 JST・NICT Joint Simulation Workshop.
International meetings
1/3-6 Chapman Conference on Mid-latitude
Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances
(Yosemite National Park, California,
2/19,20 7th
International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic
(Fairbanks, Alaska, USA).
3. Future Meetings
3/8-9 CAWSES Space Weather Workshop (STEL, Nagoya
U. Nagoya, Aichi).
3/28 STE Event Analysis Workshop
(NICT, Kyushu U.,
Ehime U.,
Kyoto U.,Nagoya U./STEL; relayed via
3/18-21 Workshop on Comparative Study of
Space Weather and flare/Substorm
(Fairbanks, Alaska, USA).
3/20-23 International Symposium on
Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere
University Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto).
6/4-8 SuperDARN
Workshop 2007 (Abashiri,
7/2-13 IUGG/IAGA (Perugia, Italy).
7/30-8/4 AOGS2007 (Bangkok, Thailand).
8/20-24 2007 International Symposium on
Antennas and Propagation (Niigata)
10/22-27 International CAWSES meeting (Kyoto)