
日 時:平成11年6月16 () 14:00 - 17:00

場 所:日本学術会議第4部会議室(6階)

出席者:古濱委員長、堀内(5) 、松本 (全体) 、中段(A) 、安藤(B) 、堺(C)

  藤原(E) 、岡本(F) 、細矢(F) 、小川(G) 、小山(G) 、長野(H) 、大村(H)

  井上(J) 、上野(K) 、多氣(K) の各委員 (分科会順)

資 料: 6-0   電波科学研究連絡委員会議事次第 (17期、第6回)

   6-1 電波科学研究連絡委員会 (17期、第5回) 議事録(案)

   6-2 電波科学研究連絡委員会名簿

   6-3 Commsphere 2000 について

   6-4 Toronto総会プログラム

   6-5 URSI Officers 候補

   6-6 URSI名誉会長

   6-7 YSA 受賞者

   6-8 国際会議計画趣意書

   6-8-a AP-RASC'2001論文委員会報告

   6-9-S SCOSTEP 専門委員会報告

  6-9-B B分科会活動報告

  6-9-E E分科会活動報告

  6-9-F F分科会活動報告

   6-9-G G分科会活動報告

   6-9-H H分科会活動報告

   6-9-J J分科会活動報告

   6-9-K K分科会活動報告

議 題:






4/27-28 日に本部役員会が開催され、@Toronto 総会の準備が順調に進んでいること、AYSA に対し、日本の4000US$ に次いで米国からも3000US$ の拠出の申し出があったこと、BURSI定款の修正提案がニュージーランドからあり、郵便投票にかけられていること、C名誉会長候補として、Bladel (ベルギー) Mitra() の推薦があり郵便投票にかけられていること、等の報告が、松本委員 (連合副会長) から行われた。


(1) Commsphere 2000 について(資料6-3)


5.Toronto 総会へ向けた準備活動について

(1) Toronto 総会プログラムについて(資料6-4)

細矢幹事から紹介され、特に A, C, D分科会に対し、Business Meetingに出席する代表を早急に決定するよう、強く要請された。

(2) URSI Officers 候補について(資料6-5)

 古浜委員長から現状が報告された。また、Commission Vice Chair として、安藤(B)、赤池(C) 、大村(H) 、井上(J) の各委員が推薦されている旨報告された。

(3) URSI名誉会長の投票について(資料6-6)

 古浜委員長から、Bladel, Mitra 両候補のうち、我が国はMitra 候補に投票した旨の報告がなされた。

(4) Young Scientist Award 受賞について(資料6-7)


(5) National Report の作成について

 堺幹事から、現状が報告された。なお、各分科会に配付するCD枚数を早急に調査し、できるだけ多くの枚数をToronto 総会で配付することとなった。

(6) Young Scientist Support 及び古賀メダル副賞への資金拠出について


6.国際シンポジウムの開催について(資料6-8 6-8-a)





 8.1 SCOSTEP 専門委員会 (資料6-9-S)

  8.1.1 第17期第6回SCOSTEP専門委員会(平成11年3月31日開催)

(a) 委員長報告


(b) 各小委員会の活動報告


(c) 各機関等報告

(1) EISCAT関係

・日本が初めてheating実験に参加し、630 nmの人工大気光の初観測に成功した。


(2) 宇宙研関係



(3) 大気関係(岩坂)


(4) 東北大学関係(大家)


(d) 主な議題

(1) 西田・宇宙空間研連委員長からの要請「同委員会は、Space Studies Board(米国)およびEuropean Space Science Committee(欧州)と共催で宇宙科学における日米欧の共同プロジェクトの進め方についての懇談会を開催するので、天文研連とSCOSTEP専門委員会から若干名に出席して頂きたい」に対して、人選を行った。

(2) SCOSTEP将来計画について議論を行った。特に、独立行政法人化については、「このような動きがあっても、大学共同利用機関の機能や大学との連携を失うことがあってはならない。共同利用システムは世界的にも例をみないものであり、このシステムは堅持すべきである。」ということを確認した。

 8.2 A分科会:特に報告なし

 8.3 B分科会 (資料6-9-B)

  8.3.1 国内活動 


 U. of British Colombia   参加者:約40

  8.3.2 今後開催/計画の会議等

・特別招待講演 電子情報通信学会ソサイエテイ大会、1999.9.7, 日本大学船橋

”逆散乱問題”、Akira Ishimaru, University of Washington

1999 IEEE AP-S Symposium, Orland, 1999.7.11-16

・IGARSS , 1999.6.28-7.2, Hamburg

2000 IEEE AP-S Symposium, Salt Lake, Utah, 2000.6.25-7.1

・アンテナ伝播国際会議(ISAP 2000)電子情報通信学会 (AP) 2000.8.22-25, 福岡 

・光導波科学と電磁界理論に関する日中合同会議(OFSET 2000) 2000.12、大阪大学

2001 IEEE AP-S Symposium, Boston, 2000.7.8-13

20001 URSI EM Symposium, British Colombia

PIERS 2001PIERS国内委員会、2001.7.18-22, 大阪CIETC

2002 IEEE AP-S Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 2001.6.16-21

2002 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 電子情報通信学会, 京都国際会議場

  8.3.3 URSI総会へ向けての活動

 National Report Commission B 担当文作成

 Commission B Disk, 2004 URSI EMシンポジウム立候補準備

 Vice Chair 立候補 (安藤)、6名の候補で1次投票


 URSI B 分科会の委員構成の中核をなしている電磁界理論研究専門委員会は、これまで電気学会電気物理技術委員会に所属する同一名称の研究専門委員会を母体として、電子情報通信学会で各種の活動を行ってきた。しかしこの度、電気学会電気物理技術委員会の改組により、1999年3月31日付で電気学会電磁界理論研究専門委員会は解散することになった。また、改組の結果、1999年4月1日付で電気学会電磁界理論技術委員会が新たに発足することになった。この改組に伴い、電磁界理論研究専門委員会は電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサイエテイを母体とすることになる。

 8.4 C分科会:ISSSE の進捗状況が、口頭で報告された。

 8.5 D分科会:特に報告なし

 8.6 E分科会 (資料6-9-E)

  8.6.1 Following Domestic Conferences and meetings were ( or will be ) cooperated with Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan or IEICE Japan

(1) The 61th annual conference of SAEJ will be held at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, on July 15 and 16. About forty papers will be expected. A special lecture on Lightning and protection from the aspects of power transmission and distribution by S. Yokoyama (CRIEP) .

(2) On March 16 and April 22, June 17, the technical committee meetings were held at Kikai-Sinko-kaikan and Precision Technology Research Institute of Nagano Prefecture, respectively. Numbers of presented papers were 13 and 7, 9, respectively.

  8.6.2 International Conferences and Meetings

(1) 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity 7-11 June 1999 at Lake Guntersville State Park, Guntersville, Alabama, 35976 USA, : For further information, http: //icae.atmos.uah.edu/ or E-mail: icae_chairman@breakdown.msfc.nasa.go

(2) International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity will be held from June 22 through 24, 1999 at Centre des Congres Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France.

(3) 4th International Workshop on Physics of Lightning will be held at Chareaux de la Loire form September 20 to 23.

(4) 13th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility was held during February 16-18, 1999 at Zurich, Switzerland. Papers: 119, Participants: 620, Countries: 37

(5) 1999 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility was held during May 17-21, 1999 at Tokyo, Japan. Papers: 200, Participants: 473(foreign participants: 95), Countries: 21

(6) 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from August 2 to 6, 1999 at Seattle, UAS.

(7) 15th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from June 27 to 30, 2000 at Wroclaw, Poland. Summary received by September 6, 1999, Notification of acceptance and author's kit mailed by October 30, 1999, Camera-ready manuscript received by January 31, 2000.

(8) 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from September 11 to 15, 2000 at Brugge, Belgium. Abstract and 4 page summary received by December 1, 1999, Notification of acceptance by April 1, 2000, Camera-ready Copy received by July 1, 2000.


(1) Technical committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) was authorized as one of committees of Institute Electrical Engineering Japan (IEEJ) . The chairman of this committee is Prof. Takuma, Kyoto University. Main subjects of the committee are the low frequency EM waves and Electrostatic fields. Influence of Electrostatic fields to human beings will be included. Sub-committees are now being organized.

 8.7 F分科会 (資料6-9-F)

  8.7.1 URSI-F 国内会合

(1)第433回 平成114月22日(木)、東京工科大学 参加者 20名

(2)第434回 平成11年5月13日(木)〜14日(金)、東北大学、(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝搬研究会、衛星通信研究会、IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapterと共催)

  8.7.2 今後の開催予定

(3) 第435回 平成11年6月25日(金)、KDD研究所

(4) 第436回 平成11年7月22日(木)〜7月24日(土)、北海道東海大学、(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝搬研究会、IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapterと共催)

(5) 第437回 平成11年9月17日(金)、YRP移動通信基盤技術研究所

  8.7.3 報告期間中の主な活動

(1) AP-RASC01 F 分科会代表:真鍋武嗣(通信総合研究所)

(2) F 分科会新委員:

南園健一(みなみその けんいち:Kenichi Minamisono

KDD 研究所 無線通信グループ 主任研究員

連絡先住所(勤務先):〒356-8502 埼玉県上福岡市大原2−1−15

電話:0492-78-7855, FAX: 0492-78-7524, e-mail: minamisono@kddlabs.co.jp

(なお、KDD 研究所の唐沢好男氏は、電気通信大学へ異動されたが、F分科会委員は継続頂く。)

  8.7.4 今後開催予定の関連国際シンポジウム

(1) 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference (Ottawa, Canada, 21-24 June, 1999)

(2) IGARSS'99 (Hamburg, Germany, 28 June-02 July, 1999)

(3) 1999 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & URSI Radio Science Meeting (Orlando, USA, 11-16 July, 1999)

(4)1999 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON'99) (Denver, CO, USA, 1-4 August, 1999)

(5) XXVIth General Assembly of URSI (Toronto, Canada, 13-21 August, 1999)

(6) 24th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves (Monterey, CA, USA, 5-10 September, 1999)

(7) 1999 Second Annual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies (Boulder, CO, USA, 8-10 September, 1999)

(8) The Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Radio Communications (PIMRC'99) (Osaka, Japan, 12-15 September, 1999)

(9) 50th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'99-Fall) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19-22, September 1999)

(10) The EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing (EUROPTO) (Florence, Italy, 20-24, September 1999)

(11) 1999 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'99) (Singapore, 30 November - 3 December, 1999)

(12) GLOBECOM '99 - 1999 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5-9 December, 1999)

(13) Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation (AP 2000) (Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April, 2000)

(14) The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Spring) (Tokyo, Japan, 15-18, May 2000)

(15) European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2000) (Munich, Germany, 20-23 May, 2000)

(16) 2000 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & URSI Radio Science Meeting (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25 June-1 July, 2000)

(17) PIERS 2000 (Cambridge, MA, USA, 5-14 July, 2000)

(18) IGARSS 2000 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24-28 July, 2000)

(19) The Fifth International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (ISAPE 2000) (Beijing, China, 15-18 August, 2000)

(20) 2000 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2000) (Fukuoka, Japan, 22-25 August, 2000)

(21) The 11th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2000) (London, UK, 18-21 September, 2000)

(22) 2000 IEEE AP-S Conference on Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication (APWC2000) (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 6-8 November, 2000)

(23) 2000 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2000) (Sydney, Australia, 3 - 6 December, 2000)

(24) 2001 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & URSI Radio Science Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, 8-13 July, 2001)

(25) PIERS 2001 (Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July, 2001)

(26) 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 August, 2001)

(27) IGARSS'01 (Sydney, Australia, Date TBD, 2001)

(28) 2002 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & URSI Radio Science Meeting (San Antonio, TX, USA, 16-21 June, 2002)

(29) IGARSS'02 (Toronto, Canada, 24-28 June, 2002)

 8.8 G分科会 (資料6-9-G)

  8.8.1 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)

?URSI/COSPAR IRI News (June 1999) will soon be distributed to more than 300 ionospheric scientists all over the world.

?The URSI/COSPAR Working group on IRI will hold its next annual meeting at the University of Massachusetts from August 9 to 12, 1999. These annual meetings are the primary venue for improvements and refinements of the IRI representation of ionospheric electron density, electron temperature, ion composition and ion temperature.

  8.8.2 Scientific Satellite

NOZOMI (the Planet-B satellite) is the first Japanese Mars orbiter which was launched on July 4, 1998 with primary scientific objective of studying the Martian upper atmosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. NOZOMI will arrive at Mars on January 2004. In 2001 the Martian ionosphere and neutral atmosphere will be probed using S/X beacon waves. An international workshop for the NOZOMI project was held on April 26-28, 1999 at ISAS.

  8.8.3 Ionospehric Research Using SuperDARN HF Radar Network

Fifteen years ago USA began ionospheric observations using a large-scale HF radar with 16 beams. Now, in the Arctic, six HF radars are being operated in Finland, Iceland and Canada, and three in Canada and Alaska are being planned. In the Antarctic, four radars are being operated by Japan, UK and South Africa, and two are being planned by Australia and France. A collaborative network consisting of these radars is called "SuperDARN" (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network). The SuperDARN radars can cover very wide areas in the polar region, capable of investigating ionospheric plasma drifts and HF radio propagation.

  8.8.4 Toward URSI General Assembly

A draft of the National Report of Commission G was completed at the beginning of April.

Candidates of the next Vice-Chair of Commission G ware voted.

  8.8.5 Toward AP-RASC'01

Prof. T. Shibata, a member of the national Commission G, was appointed to the member of AP-RASC'01 Paper Committee. He and other G members will plan scientific sessions of Commission G.

  8.8.6 International Scientific Meeting

IUGG99, Birmingham, UK, July 18-30, 1999.

International Workshop on Radio Methods for Studying Turbulence (Sponsored by URSI Commissions: E, F, G, H, and J), Urbana, Illinois, August 9-12, 1999.

IRI Workshop, Lowell, Univ. of Massachusetts, August 9-12, 1999.

9th EISCAT Workshop, Wernigerode, Germany, September 6-10, 1999.

 8.9 H分科会 (資料6-9-H)

  8.9.1 Research Projects and Budgets

(1) The NOZOMI spacecraft is on the cruising orbit to Mars. The insertion to the Martian orbit is scheduled in January 2004. Deployment of the long wire-antenna and observation of plasma waves in the interplanetary space are still being considered along with possible risks. Observations of dc magnetic field and the low energy plasmas have been successfully carried out in the inter-planetary space.

(2) The detailed design of the plasma wave receiver and sensors onboard the SS-520-2 rocket of ISAS has started. This rocket will be launched at Norway in 2000. One of the main objectives of this rocket experiment is to study the acceleration mechanism of ions due to wave-particle interactions in the polar cusp region.

(3) The GEOTAIL spacecraft has been operated without any major troubles. After the successful operation through the recent longest eclipses on February 28, 1999, the spacecraft is expected to be in a good condition at least until the next long eclipse in 2000.

(4) The EXOS-D (Akebono) spacecraft has attained the 10 years of successful operation without any major troubles. The regular data acquisition is expected to be continued for two more years. The science database is now under construction and will soon be released in sequence.

(5) Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) experiment on board SELENE satellite is now preparation phase of the PM system function test. The main objective of the LRS is to obtain the surface and subsurface structure of the Moon by using a radar technique in HF long wavelength range. Observations of planetary radio waves as well as plasma waves in the solar wind and in the magnetotail region are also planned. To achieve the technical background, a computer simulation for the penetration and reflection of electromagnetic waves has been carried out. S310-28 rocket experiment to confirm the LRS system and to study on the artificially stimulated plasma waves in low altitude region of ionosphere was successfully carried out February 2, 1999.


 (6-1) HF radars at Syowa Station, Antarctica

 Syowa south radar, looking the central part of the antarctic continent, was installed at Syowa Station in February, 1995. However, the antenna system suffered severe damage in 1996 and 1997 due to strong blizzards, and the radar stopped operation in 1998. A new antenna system of the south radar was reconstructed in February,1999 and the radar reopened the operation in March.

 Syowa east radar, looking eastern part of the antarctic continent, has been operational since February 1997. The system sensitivity was considerably improved in June 1998, and it became possible to observe good amount of echoes, sometimes reaching 3000 km afar, in regular basis.

These two radar are components of the international HF radar network, SuperDARN.

 In 1999, special modes of SuperDARN observation have been proposed by National Institute of Polar Research in collaboration with Geotail satellite (magnetopause skimming orbits in February and March), EISCAT and related optical observations in Svalbard (March), all-sky aurora imagers at South Pole and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica (May-August). A good quality of data set are being collected, including a good magnetic storm event of May 13.

 (6-2) MF radar at Syowa Station

 An MF radar was installed at Syowa Station in March,1999 and started continuous operation in April. As the MF radar antenna was located not very far from the HF radar antennas, the MF radar suffers some interference from the HF radars at the moment. However, it is nevertheless detecting wind data of fairly good quality in the altitude range from 100 km down to 50 km at times, and gravity waves and tides are extracted from these data. It is also possible to observe meteor echoes in the altitude range above 100 km, and wind fields are also to be given there.

 Efforts are being made to reduce the interferences from the HF radars.

  8.9.2 Domestic Workshops

(1)Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting 1999, June 8-11,1999, Tokyo, Japan

  8.9.3 International Conferences and Workshops

(1) 1999 AGU Spring Meeting, May 31-June 4, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

(2) NOZOMI Workshop on Martian Science, April 26 - 28, ISAS, Japan

(3) The third Plasma Workshop: Astro Plasma, April 15-16, 1999, ISAS, cosponsored by Commission H.

(4) SuperDARN Meeting 1999, an annual workshop of the international collaboration of HF radar observations, May 24-28, 1999, Reykjavik, Iceland

  8.9.4 Future Meetings

(1) Auroral Plasma Dynamics Workshop: Akebono, Ten Years Later, July 4-7, 1999, Banff Conference Center, Canada

(2) AGU Fall Meeting, December 13-17, 1999, San Francisco, CA, USA

(3) IUGG99 XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, July 18 - 30, 1999, Birmingham, UK

(4) Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 27-30,2000, Tokyo, Japan

  8.9.5 Preparation of 99-URSI at Toronto

(1)National Report: The manuscript of Commission H Activity Report was prepared by eleven authors on different plasma waves and topics.

(2) Dr.Y.Omura has been nominated as a candidate from Japan for the vice chair of URSI Commission H.

 8.10 J分科会 (資料6-9-J)

  8.10.1 Meetings and Conferences (Domestic)

(1) Special Session on ‘LMSA Project,’ Annual Meeting of Astronomical Soc. at Kyoto Univ., March 25, 1999, about 200 participants. Progress report of recent status on international collaboration, and discussion on the collaboration and domestic coordination.

  8.10.2 Meetings and Conferences (International)

(1) Second Workshop on mm VLBI, Granada, May 26-28, 1999, about 40 participants. Activity report and progress report on high frequency VLBI technology.

  8.10.3 Future Meetings and Conferences

(1)Second Symposium on LMSA Project, at the Science Council of Japan, November 1999, promoted by National Committee for Astronomy, co-sponsored by National Committee for Radio Science, Astronomical Soc., etc.

(2) International Symposium of ‘Star Formation 1999,’ Nagoya Univ., June 21-25, 1999.

(3) International Workshop on VSOP-2, ISAS, July 8-9, 1999.

  8.10.4 Others

(1) Recommendation of M. Inoue as a candidate of the Vice Chair of Comm. J, URSI.

 8.11 K分科会 (資料6-9-K)

  8.11.1 K分科会会合

(1) 第4回会合



講演 (1)「静磁界およびELF磁界の微小循環動態に及ぼす影響」 大久保千代次(国立公衆衛生院)

講演 (2)「MEG,MRIを用いた脳機能計測」 伊良皆 啓治(東京大学大学院医学系研究科)

(2) 第5回会合

日時:平成11年5月14日 14:00〜17:00


講演(1)"Compatibility of Medical Implants with MagneticResonance Imaging"

  Prof., Dr. John Nyenhuis, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University

講演(2)「マイクロ波アンテナを用いた温熱治療法」 千葉大学工学部教授 伊藤 公一


(1) EMC99/TOKYO 5月17日〜20日(東京)

(2) 21Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics Society 6月21日〜24日(Long Beach, USA

. その他

次回は、平成111019 () 14:00 ?から開催することが決定された。
