
  1. 著書
    1. 2020.12.20; H. Shirai, ``High Frequency Hybrid Ray-Mode Techniques,'' in Advances in Mathematical Methods for Electromagnetics, Chapter 7, pp.169-188, The Institute of Engineeering and Technology (IET).
      ISBN: 978-1-78561-384-5.
      [Abstract] Rays and modes are two alternative descriptions for electromagnetic field, and they are regarded as Fourier transform pairs which have complementary convergence properties. Accordingly, a modal description would be preferable for an internal structure, while a ray description would be appropriate for an exterior region. When a scatterer contains an open waveguide cavity structure, one wants to retain the fast converging description, namely rays for the exterior and modes for the interior regions, respectively, and the conversion should be considered at the opening of the structure. This ray-mode conversion between them may be found from a mathematical formula called the Poisson summation formula, and this technique is found to be one of the powerful tools for analyzing high frequency scattering problems. Some application examples, such as plane wave diffraction from a slit on a conducting screen and a trough on a ground are given to show the validity of this technique.

  2. 論文 等
    1. 2020.9.1; N. Q. Ta and H. Shirai, ``A Field Equivalence between Physical Optics and GO-Based Equivalent Current Methods for Scattering from Circular Conducting Cylinders," IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol.E103-C, No.9, pp.382-387, 2020.
      DOI: 10.1587/transele.2019ECP5048
      [Abstract] Plane wave scattering from a circular conducting cylinder and a circular conducting strip has been formulated by equivalent surface currents which are postulated from the scattering geometrical optics (GO) field. Thus derived radiation far fields are found to be the same as those formulated by a conventional physical optics (PO) approximation for both E and H polarizations.

  3. 国際会議発表 等
    1. 2020.7.6; K. N. Nguyen and H. Shirai, ``High Frequency Diffraction by a Rectangular Hole in a Thick Conducting Screen -E Polarization Case-," Proc. of 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS/URSI 2020), Montreal, Canada.
      DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017710
    2. 2020.10.9; K. N. Nguyen and H. Shirai, ``TE Plane Wave Diffraction by Window Aperture on a Thick Conducting Wall," Proc. of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Tecnologies for Communications (ATC 2020), Nha Trang, Vietnam.
      DOI: 10.1109/ATC50776.2020.9255450
    3. 2021.1.14; N. Q. Ta and H. Shirai, ``High Frequency Asymptotic Evaluation for Electromagnetic Scattering from a Circular Conducting Cylinder -E Polarization-," Proc. of 2020 International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2020), Phu Quoc, Vietnam.
      DOI: 10.1109/ICCE48956.2021.9352043
    4. 2021. 1.28; R. Sato and H. Shirai, ``Approximate analysis of EM wave scattering from two cracks on a ground plane," Proc. of 2020 ISAP International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Osaka, Japan.
      DOI: 10.23919/ISAP47053.2021.9391425

  4. 博士論文
    1. 2021. 3. 24; K. N. Nguyen, ``Electromagnetic Plane Wave Scattering by Aperture on Thick Conducting Screen," 博士論文, 中央大学 理工学研究科.

  5. 修士論文
    1. 2020.3.24; 木村 晴周, ``室内構造を含めた電波散乱解析," 修士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.
    2. 2020.3.24; 高橋 良輔, ``誘電体パイプ内にある物体の位置検出についての研究," 修士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.
    3. 2021.3.24; D. M. Nguyen, ``導体ウェッジによるエッジ回折に対する物理光学近似の精度評価について," 修士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.

  6. 卒業論文
    1. 2021.3.24; 鈴木 健斗,高橋 和希 ``レンガの含水率による比誘電率の変化," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    2. 2021.3.24; 大津 祐輔,杉本 希望,宮川 誠一郎 ``SBR法を用いた後楽園キャンパス3号館における電磁波伝搬推定," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    3. 2021.3.24; 菅 雄輝,相原 悠人 ``SBR解析に用いる建物情報の入力法について," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    4. 2021.3.24; 上高原 翔 ``RCS測定における校正手法の検討," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    5. 2021.3.24; 釼持 智礼 ``情報機器から放出される電磁信号による情報漏えい評価," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    6. 2021.3.24; 梶 寛和 ``車内の放射電波が人体に及ぼす影響について," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    7. 2021.3.24; 瓶子 知奈実,宝 拓巳,三宅 奏吾 ``含水率を考慮した誘電体材料の推定," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.

  7. その他