白井研究室の研究業績 2022年度(令和4年度)


  1. 論文 等
    1. 2022.4.1; N. Q. Ta and H. Shirai, ``On the Asymptotic Evaluation of the Physical Optics Approximation for Plane Wave Scattering by Circular Conducting Cylinders," IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol.105-C, No.4, pp.128-136, 2022.
      DOI: 10.1587/transele.2021REP0001
      [Abstract] In this paper, the scattering far-field from a circular electric conducting cylinder has been analyzed by physical optics (PO) approximation for both H and E polarizations. The evaluation of radiation integrations due to the PO current is conducted numerically and analytically. While non-uniform and uniform asymptotic solutions have been derived by the saddle point method, a separate approximation has been made for forward scattering direction. Comparisons among our approximation, direct numerical integration and exact solution results yield a good agreement for electrically large cylinders.
    2. 2022.5.1; D. M. Nguyen and H. Shirai, ``A Discussion on Physical Optics Approximation for Edge Diffraction by A Conducting Wedge," IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. E105-C, No. 5, pp.176-183, 2022.
      DOI: 10.1587/transele.2021ECP5031
      [Abstract] In this study, edge diffraction of an electromagnetic plane wave by two-dimensional conducting wedges has been analyzed by the physical optics (PO) method for both E and H polarizations. Non uniform and uniform asymptotic solutions of diffracted fields have been derived. A unified edge diffraction coefficient has also been derived with four cotangent functions from the conventional angle dependent coefficients. Numerical calculations have been made to compare the results with those by other methods, such as the exact solution and the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD). A good agreement has been observed to confirm the validity of our method.
    3. 2022.8.5; Cuong M. Bui, Khanh N. Nguyen and Hiroshi Shirai, ``Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Analysis by a Window Aperture on a Conducting Wall," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 122, pp. 95-108, 2022.
      DOI: 10.2528/PIERC22041501
      [Abstract] High frequency electromagnetic plane wave scattering by a large rectangular glass window on a conducting wall has been analyzed in this study. Scattering far-fields are formulated by means of the Kirchhoff approximation in which the fields are obtained from radiation integrals due to the equivalent current sources on the virtually closed window apertures. In order to consider the effect of the window glass, a dielectric slab layer has been inserted in the window hole, and the reflection and transmission through the slab are treated via waveguide modal theory. The validity of our formulation has been confirmed by the numerical comparison with another method for an empty window case. The effects of the window dimension, the glass layer, and the polarization have been discussed for practical high frequency mobile communications.

  2. 国際会議発表 等
    1. 2022.7.15; C. M. Bui and H. Shirai, ``TM Polarized Plane Wave Scattering by a Window on a Thick Conducting Wall," Proc. of 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS/URSI 2022), Denver, USA.
    2. 2022.9.8; D. M. Nguyen, H. Shirai and S.-Y. Kim, ``New Formulation of Physical Optics Approximation for Edge Diffraction by Dielectric Wedges," Proc. of 2022 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2022), Cape Town, South Africa.
      DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA49419.2022.9899934

  3. 国内学会, 研究会発表 等
    1. 2022.9.1; R. Sato and H.Shirai, ``Fundamental Analysis on EM Wave Scattering by Simple Cracks on Conducting Plane,'' Proc. of 2022 Japan Radio Science Meeting (URSI-JRSM),Tokyo.

  4. 博士論文
    1. 2023.3.24: Ta Quang Ngoc, ``Field Equivalence of Physical Optics and Equivalent Current Methods for smooth conducting Cylindrical Object,'' 博士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.

  5. 修士論文
    1. 2023.3.24; 上高原 翔, ``眼鏡着用による人体頭部への電波曝露時の影響について," 修士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.
    2. 2023.3.24; 剱持 智礼, ``SBR法における光線追跡アルゴリズムの改良," 修士論文,中央大学 理工学研究科.

  6. 卒業論文
    1. 2020.3.24; 岩崎 雄真, ``SBR法による電磁波伝搬解析における建物情報作成プログラムの改修," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    2. 2020.3.24; 瀬崎 愛美, ``FDTD法に用いる車両モデル作成の効率化について," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    3. 2020.3.24; 長谷川 太亮, ``地理情報オープンデータのSBR法への組込みについて," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    4. 2020.3.24; 佐野 稜太, ``車内で発信された電波による人体の電波吸収量の変化," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    5. 2020.3.24; 我妻 拓彦, 朝田 陸斗, ``周波数選択板とアンテナとの距離の変化による周波数特性の変化," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    6. 2020.3.24; 伊藤 純, ``SBR法による垂直断面可視化プログラムの改良について," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    7. 2020.3.24; 池田 侑弥, ``FDTD法による人体足部への電磁波吸収量についての調査," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.
    8. 2020.3.24; 孫 誠達, ``ループ型インダクタンスの計算法について," 卒業論文,中央大学 理工学部 電気電子情報通信工学科.